Purpose Driven Poker


You will have to excuse the grammatical errors and typos. I write how I talk, minus the occasional stutter and including the occasional expletive, especially when it’s warranted. As my Mother’s Day card stated, “even good moms say bad words sometimes.” With the accelerated timeline and the burning desire to get this story out of me, even my recovering perfectionist side has accepted that success, in this case, is published, not perfect. As I told Nate, my new friend from the Horseshoe hallway with the best T-shirt ever, no AI was involved. Like the cover says, God wrote it, and I lived it. Putting it on paper has been an experience, like it flowed through me, not from me. I wrote most of the book during stolen moments between 11pm and 5am while jamming to Jelly Roll on repeat. A lot of it was written through tears of joy, remorse, remembrance, and laughter. This book has been 40+ years in the making, but writing it down only took a matter of weeks. In preparation, I took an inventory of all the miracles and magical moments that could only be orchestrated by a higher power. That exercise filled over nine pages, and I’m betting the moments I’ve forgotten, blocked out, or blacked out would crush the over. This book in itself is a miracle and would not have happened without the perfectly timed inspiration, opportunity, and people who made it possible. I’ve written this book to be as authentic as possible. While not intentional, if I don’t offend you or make you uncomfortable at least once on these pages, then I was not transparent enough. Sorry, not sorry. I share (with permission) actual, personal, raw letters to and from my family and friends and even one to my future self. Those with nothing to hide, hide nothing.
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